
Building a brand for our own start-up

Brand Strategy

Naming and Visual Identity

Creative Campaign


How we built a service that helps thousands of people to feel better

Every year, 85 million Europeans suffer from mental health issues. But only a third of them get help. Wanting to change this, we set up our own start-up, the Hedepy online therapy service, to smooth the path to psychological help through video calls and other technologies.

Within a year, Hedepy had cornered a full third of the Czech market

34 %

The ever-growing brand commands half the market in four countries

50 %

We have drawn on our many years’ agency experience


Research identified what people and therapists need


We set a strategy: to make help better and more accessible


We created a friendly but global identity and name


We built and gradually turned an MVP into a great platform


Our first campaigns raised awareness and instilled trust

We then helped Hedepy to expand and grow

Countries where the brand is present today

38 000
Number of sessions in 2022


Clients were helped in the first year

Our brand communication focused on dismantling resistance to therapy via videos, influencers, PR and content

We wanted to show that even the successful and strong – the people others naturally look up to – use therapy, and that it is perfectly normal. Our job in activating this service was to get people who were considering psychological help to try therapy via a Hedepy video call. We made content explaining exactly how therapy helps and why trying Hedepy would be a good idea. Our therapist recruitment strategy relied on directly approaching and interviewing therapists. We discussed the effectiveness of online therapy, how Hedepy could help them in their work, collected feedback, and let them have a say in how Hedepy would work going forwards.

Hedepy is now an independent company helping thousands of people in eight countries. But were it not for YYY, it would never have grown so quickly and effectively.

Lukáš Krčil
CEO Hedepy

Need a team to guide you from strategy 
to a lasting and successful brand?

Contact our Account Director
Michaela Rodovská
+420 739 408 215

Identification data
YYY agency
V Tišině 474/3
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Show on map

Registration number: 03496791
VAT number: CZ03496791

Job openings
Michaela Mundlová
michaela.mundlova@yyy.cz Job openings

Media section
Martin Zdražil
martin@yyy.cz | +420 723 667 126

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